GROUNDSKEEPING: Austin, Texas Being from California, born and raised, I have always had a prejudice towards Texas. They were cowboys and we were beach people if not surfers. They like six guns and we like bongs, they eat TexMex and we eat real Mexican food. Girls in Texas have big hair and wear lots of…
Good Times
Groundskeeping: Exploring Urban Landscapes and Frederick Law Olmsted
GROUNDSKEEPING is about my travels for my life’s work, keeping Eye of the Day fresh and exciting not just for me, but our clients and customers. I am always trying to find what others are seeking for their designs. Like a chef experimenting with ingredients and flavors to interest his public, I look for those…
City Fountains I Have Loved
City Fountains I Have Loved My love of city fountains begins with my formative years. I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles where my father was a news photographer and intimately knew the nooks and crannies of the city. Family drives all over the state and especially throughout greater L.A. were always amazing;…
Detour to Europe: How El Nino Led Us to Francesco del Re
In February of 1998 our lives were changed forever by El Niño. Eye of the Day was in its infancy, just two and a half years old and we became a statistic as the worst damaged business in Santa Barbara County. The federal government declared a disaster area and we lost nearly everything. But…what we…
Groundskeeping: On The Road to an Ancient Landscape – The Bristlecone Pine Forest
Rushing from place to place trying to fulfill our obligations to one and all, we miss so many beautiful moments and opportunities. I recently made a large delivery to El Dorado Hills to a client who found Eye of the Day through our website. The house reminded me of L’Amorosa in Tuscany, a mini fortress…
Groundskeeping: The Art of Showing Up on Site
As a professional designer you have to visit your clients and job sites. You cannot put together a credible working document without physically walking the site. That said, when my clients (landscape designers, architects and builders) are surprised to see me get out of the truck when their orders arrive on their job sites, I’m…