When you see images of homes that feature window boxes overflowing with color, herbs and bees and butterfly-friendly plants, doesn’t it make you want to create a little garden under your window? During an East Coast trip, Brent was walking the streets of Boston’s Beacon Hill neighborhood and.. looked up. He noticed them near doorways…
Garden Décor
Preview Spring Garden Design Magazine
Garden Design magazine is bringing back their always-popular collection of Way Hot Plants–perennials, shrubs, and grasses plant aficionados love. See them all plus much more stunning photography, gardens, plants, and products in their current issue Early Spring, on sale now. Preview the issue and subscribe today: www.gardendesign.com.
Groundskeeping: Traveling South for a Peru Expedition
True to my “Profile” I do wander the globe looking, sometimes under rocks. Here at Eye of the Day we have been successful in offering old rocks with a purpose for the garden. Throughout the centuries, agricultural societies shaped stone to hold water and fodder, fodder and water, to sustain their livestock. These pieces make…
Eco Friendly Landscape Design by Lisa Cox for Hacienda Style Home
Lisa Cox, of Lisa Cox Landscape Design has happily designed landscapes ranging from simple tract homes to vast estates. As she plans an outdoor environment, she envisions a transformation that communicates the lifestyle and personal taste of the client, while incorporating her own style. Each garden is designed and built with all materials including stone,…
Party at the Fire Bowl
Throughout the summer and into the fall, sitting outside near a fire evokes summer camp, a perfect ending to a long day enjoying nature, bee stings and muscle strain. A song around the campfire, s’mores and stick-roasted sausages perform a prelude to a night sleeping under the stars. But why stop when the trees are…
How It Works: Frostproof Terracotta
How It Works: Frostproof Terracotta It’s hard to believe that it is already Fall. In California, leaves don’t change much in a drought, no matter what time of year. But as another October becomes a thing of the past, much of the country can already feel the promise of winter. So let’s talk about frostproof terracotta….